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Maximize Profits By Maximizing Pool Space


Over the weekend, my daughter and I visited our local big box gym to swim laps. When we arrived, there were 5 people in the 3-lane, 25-yard, indoor lap pool and it was "technically full". The closest lane had a pretty serious swimmer in it. Her arms cleanly sliced through the water, she was timing herself and switching up her strokes from freestyle to butterfly to backstroke. When I asked if we can share the lane, she responded, "I swim really fast." I replied, "Great, so does my daughter." The middle lane had 1 person making their way painstakingly down the middle, dead focused on following the center, black line. The far lane had 3 women with styrofoam dumbells and noodles moving their mouths more than their bodies. I studied the scene to see where best I could swim then gave up and jumped in the lane with the talkers. I grabbed my combat gloves, turned on my headset, and proceeded to have my own private aqua combat session. It's a long story to get to this point:
"For average lap swimmers (not swim team or masters) 2 people per lane is generally the maximum amount of people that can pleasantly swim in a lane."
For this particular lap pool that translates to only 6 people per hour.
That's 1,845 sq ft. for 6 people!


Switching over from all-day dedicated lap swimming to dynamic group exercise classes increases your pool's maximum occupancy exponentially, making your facility more money.


It's a simple equation. The more people you have using your pool space the more revenue your facility receives. Aqua Body Strong's™ Dynamic Aquatic Programming builds member retention and motivates potential customers to join your facility. Check out our Signature Classes by clicking the video below.


"Water fitness carries the stigma that it's only for Grandmas."

Aqua Body Strong's™ newly designed water fitness equipment, signature classes, and certified instructor training have taken popular "land classes" and "aquafied" them. From Indoor Spinning and Body Combat to Barre and HIIT they are now all possible in the water!

When your serious fitness enthusiasts learn that the resistance properties of water can rev up their workout and improve their results they will hop right in. When their endorphins kick in because they are having so much fun they will become addicted!

Below are some of Aqua Body Strong's Favorite Classes.

ABS™ Aqua Combat Equipment: Combat Gloves

Train like a fighter! This explosive, aqua cardio trampoline circuit workout will have you punching, kicking, and rebounding like an MMA Pro. Gain muscular strength, endurance, and coordination through water resistance training and choreographed mixed martial arts inspired movements.

ABS™ Aqua Board HIIT Equipment: Aqua Body Strong™ Water Fitness Board ABS™ Aqua Board HIIT brings the heat with football-inspired fitness drills that have you running on water. Burpees, donkey kicks, tuck jumps, and riding the curl all add to the challenge and fun of this result-driven workout that is sure to make waves!

ABS™ Aqua Trampoline

Equipment: Aqua Trampoline

One part serious workout to one part serious fun! ABS™ Aqua Trampoline combines the dynamic, physical properties of water with jump, barre, dance, and HIIT movements, resulting in an addicting, total-body, workout perfect for all ages and fitness levels!

ABS™ Aqua Cycle Equipment: BPM Aqua Bike The Indoor Cycling craze has made its way into the pool. The BPM Aqua Bike's exclusive resistance system allows class participants to change their resistance during class for fast downhill sprints or a loaded resistance climb without any interruptions.

Contact Us!

For additional product information or to receive a personalized consultation for your facility. We look forward to hearing from you! Aqua Body Strong™

+1 (949) 395.2878



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