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Love Your Heart: Cardiovascular Benefits of ABS™ Aqua Cycling

ABS™ Aqua Cycling tugs at your heartstrings in more ways than one. Not only will you LOVE this unique, fun water fitness experience that combines the high-tensity thrill of indoor cycling with the resistance-strengthening benefits of water, but your heart will LOVE it too! Get ready to pedal your way to a stronger, healthier, and heart-happier you as you learn about the Cardiovascular Benefits gained from ABS™ Aqua Cycling.

What is ABS™ Aqua Cycling?

ABS™ Aqua Cycling is a 45-minute, aqua-cardio spin class, which takes place in the pool using specialized stationary aquatic bicycles. We recommend the BPM or the Aqua Active Aqua Bike for their high-quality and commercial-grade design. These bikes are stable and durable, and allow you to easily adjust the resistance with a simple turn of the knob.

This robust cardiovascular, music-driven workout features ten invigorating blocks of work designed to challenge your stamina, build your strength, and increase your mobility.

Studies show that the cardiac demand during aqua cycling is comparable to traditional indoor cycling, making it an effective exercise for improving overall heart health. You may be asking, "How?", especially considering in a land-based class you may feel the sweat pouring down your forehead, breathe harder, or even feel your heart beating in your chest as you pedal your feet faster - while in an aquatic cycling class, the resistance of the water makes pedaling that fast impossible. The answer is fascinating and can be summed up in two glorious words: Hydrostatic Pressure.

Hydrostatic Pressure; Its Role in Improving Heart Health.

Hydrostatic pressure is the static force of the water that is exerted uniformly on your body when you are immersed in water. When aqua cycling, this pressure causes the heart to work harder. Here's how:

When cycling in water, the hydrostatic pressure pushes blood from your extremities (arms and legs) into your chest cavity. This process effectively challenges your heart, making it work harder and faster to pump the increased blood volume through your arteries to your chest, thus promoting cardiovascular endurance and overall heart health.

Scientific Evidence Supporting The Benefits of Aqua Cycling

Several studies have explored the benefits of aqua cycling. For instance, a study published in the International Journal of Research in Exercise Physiology found that "Aqua cycling meets ACSM (The American College of Sports Medicine) intensity guidelines for improving cardiovascular endurance and energy expenditure guidelines for maintaining and improving body composition." Another study in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation reported that, "a 12-week Aqua Cycling training program improves self-reported knee pain and physical functioning in patients with mild-to-moderate knee Osteoarthritis."

Additional Benefits of Aqua Cycling

Beyond cardiovascular improvements, aqua cycling offers several other benefits:

  1. Weight Loss: Aqua cycling is an effective way to burn calories. You can burn up to 800 calories in an hour of Aqua Cycling.

  2. Enhanced Muscle Tone: The resistance of water helps build and tone muscles. Adding upper-body aquatic exercises while cycling provides a full-body, muscle-strengthening workout.

  3. Therapy: The buoyancy of water reduces the load on joints. When submerged in water up to your armpits 60% of your body weight is offloaded, making aqua cycling a safe exercise for individuals with arthritis, back pain, or those recovering from injuries. This low-impact environment allows for a challenging workout without the risk of joint strain, making it accessible to a broader range of participants, including older adults and those with mobility issues.

  4. Lymphatic Drainage: Hydrostatic pressure massages the lymphatic system, promoting the body's natural ability to detoxify and strengthen its immunity.

  5. Improved Mental Health: Exercising in water can evoke feelings of relaxation and well-being, reducing stress and anxiety. Plus the supportive and social environment of group aqua cycling classes fosters a sense of community and motivation,


Incorporating aqua cycling into your fitness routine can improve your overall health, enhance your well-being, and make exercise more enjoyable. So, what are you waiting for? Pedal your way to health and love your heart today. Visit for more information on purchasing Aqua Bikes and Aqua Cycling Certification Training.

After all, your health is your biggest asset!


Johnson, K. et al (2018). Cardiorespiratory Responses During an Aqua Cycling Class. International Journal of Research in Exercise Physiology, 2, 10-20.

Rewald, S., PHD et al (2020). Aquatic Cycling Improves Knee Pain and Physical Functioning in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 101(8), 1288-1295.



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